Meter Rooms
Alt HAN devices are a simple, innovative solution to a problem that could exclude over 700,000 customers from the benefits of smart metering. But the devices need space adjacent to the meter – and in some buildings this is not available. This is a more common problem for apartment blocks, where meters are often installed alongside each other in a meter room or cupboard.
Alt HAN has led the development works across energy suppliers, electricity distribution companies, building operators and other stakeholders to explore ways of making these buildings “smart ready”. In particular how Alt HAN Co might co-ordinate across multiple interested parties such that the costs of creating the necessary space are minimised, and shared appropriately.
During 2023 we ran a pilot across around 100 buildings to test how a co-ordinated resolution service might work in practice. The pilot outcomes were positive, and demonstrated that the necessary works could be co-ordinated and delivered at an acceptable cost and customer experience. We are now mobilising for the new service to go live in June 2024 supported by our delivery partners SMS and IMServ. We estimate that the service could potentially resolve around 5,000 buildings over the next three years.
Once buildings have been made “smart ready” it is over to energy suppliers to book smart meter installations with individual customers. Energy suppliers do this by appointing a meter installer from the range of providers competing in the market. The work in meter rooms that SMS and IMServ undertake for Alt HAN does not give exclusivity over the follow-on work to install smart meters.