Health & Safety Statement

The management of Health and Safety is integral to ensuring the success of ALT HAN Co.

It is the general policy of Alt HAN Co. that our employees and co-workers, comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, all other relevant statutory provisions, and voluntary standards, such as ISO45001 – Occupational Health & Safety.  Below we have outlined our commitment and the framework to managing our Health and Safety risks to all stakeholders with whom we interact.

It is the responsibility of all our workers to promote and visibly demonstrate a positive safety culture based on shared values, beliefs and expected behaviours. The Alt HAN Co Board is elected to ensure that the Company achieves the objectives set for it. To ensure that our business operates at the safest level we are committed to assessing, understanding, and managing Health and Safety risks and their impacts.

Ensure commitment to provide a safe and healthy working environment and endeavour to achieve zero harm

  • We will ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and other requirements and will undertake evaluation of legal compliance audits to verify compliance
  • Whether in design, project management or with external contractors who survey or install the Alt HAN Co. products, we will ensure that hazards are eliminated, or associated risks reduced to as low as is reasonably practicable and where they are unable to be eliminated and residual risks remain, we will endeavour to reduce the likelihood of injury or ill-health so that the end-users and installation engineers are not impacted.
  • We shall continue to improve our OH&S (occupational health and safety) processes and procedures to ensure their relevance and effectiveness via the process of auditing and reviewing their applicability regularly.
  • The Alt HAN Co. Senior Managers will endeavour to enable worker participation and consultation in relation to workers Occupational Health and Safety.
  • The Health and Safety Advisory Board are responsible for supporting all of Alt HAN Co. Health and Safety arrangements and performance.
  • Develop arrangements to prevent, as far as is reasonably practicable, injury, ill-health, and damage because of its undertakings.
  • Provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy working environment, equipment and systems of work and enlist the support of our employees, service providers and other interested parties to achieve this.
  • Provide such information, instruction, training, and supervision as is necessary to ensure the Health and Safety at work of all workers.
  • Allocate sufficient resources to enable the Health and Safety policy to be effectively implemented.
  • Consult with and maintain good relations with employees, trade union representatives, central government, and local government, enforcing authorities and other relevant organisations.
  • Learning from our successes and incidents, freely sharing lessons with business partners, working with stakeholders and suppliers to reduce risk and improve safety.

We will set objectives and targets to be measured for effectiveness and report on these at Board meetings, other appropriate forums, and meetings to ensure the effectiveness of our OH&S programme. This will be led by the Senior Management Team.

This policy will be reviewed annually or when the business changes in nature and size to ensure applicability and continual improvement.

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