Alt HAN devices are the market-wide solution to extend the communication range of smart meters within buildings. This problem affects a small proportion of buildings, but impacts hundreds of thousands of energy customers. The devices are provided by the Alt HAN Company, a not-for-profit organisation owned and governed by energy suppliers collectively.
Alt HAN deployment has now entered the Mass Rollout phase. Energy suppliers who placed early orders for Alt HAN devices have now received a total of 36,000 devices, with a further 68,000 locked in. This is enough to deliver the full smart experience to an additional 52,000 households. The six energy suppliers leading the way are now stepping up their operations and booking appointments.
Mass Rollout involves all energy suppliers and the deployment of over a million Alt HAN devices in households across Great Britain. It represents the solution to one of the last remaining technical barriers to every household being able to access the benefits of smart meters. And for society to benefit fully from the contribution smart metering can make towards a zero-carbon energy sector.
Jonathan Brennan, Chair of the Alt HAN Co. Board and Meter Strategy Manager at E.ON UK, said:
“The development of Alt HAN devices has been a long journey and reaching Mass Rollout is a huge milestone. For energy suppliers it‘s great news to have these solutions proven and available, and to be able to start campaigning and delivering smart metering to customers who have previously been excluded through no fault of their own. This great outcome has been made possible by Alt HAN Co.’s unique corporate structure through which all energy suppliers can collaborate to solve a common problem.”