Alt HAN Co appoints partners for Crowded Meter Room pilot

The Alternative HAN Company (Alt HAN Co) is pleased to announce three new delivery partners to support our move into the operational pilot phase of our Crowded Meter Room project.

The pilot seeks to test the cost and operational viability of coordinated works where space in meter rooms would otherwise prevent the installation of smart meters and Alt HAN equipment for customers.  It involves Meter Equipment Managers (MEMs) working on behalf of multiple Energy Suppliers with customers in impacted buildings.  Our energy supplier members gave the pilot the green light in late 2022.

Alt HAN has awarded contracts to IMServ, Morrison Data Services (a part of M Group Services), and SMS following a competitive procurement process.  Each MEM will operate in a specified region of the country.  During the pilot we are aiming to survey around 100 buildings, and to plan and deliver resolution works in up to 50 buildings.  Completion of resolution works will mean that a building is ready for smart meters to be installed.  The works might in some cases involve co-ordination with the building owner/manager and with the local Distribution Network Operator (DNO).

Chris Perry, Operations Director and Alt HAN sponsor of the Crowded Meter Room pilot:

Alt HAN is all about not leaving customers behind in the transition to smart energy.  Space in meter rooms is a potential blocker, and it is right that we try to find effective market-wide solutions.  Alt HAN is uniquely placed to support because of our ability to do things collectively on behalf of all energy suppliers.  The meter room pilot and these new commercial partnerships show the commitment from all stakeholders to innovate and test new things operationally.”

The pilot is scheduled to run for around six months, and the findings will inform a decision later in the year by the Alt HAN Forum on whether a full service should be stood up.  The pilot has been enabled by the “Sandbox” arrangements under the Retail Energy Code (REC), and by a modification to Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA).

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